The flag of the United States of America is composed of thirteen equal horizontal bands of red alternating with white. A blue rectangle, bearing fifty small five-pointed white stars arranged in nine rows where rows of six stars alternate with rows of five stars, is superimposed in the canton.

United States of America

Population: 329484123
Area: 9372610 km2
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Continents: North America
Sub-region: North America
  • English
Landlocked: No
Border Countries: CANMEX
  • F: American
  • M: American
  • UTC-12:00
  • UTC-11:00
  • UTC-10:00
  • UTC-09:00
  • UTC-08:00
  • UTC-07:00
  • UTC-06:00
  • UTC-05:00
  • UTC-04:00
  • UTC+10:00
  • UTC+12:00
  • USD
Phone Prefix: +1
United Nations Member: Yes
Independent: Yes
Top-level Domain: .us

Coat of Arms

United States

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