The flag of the United Kingdom — the Union Jack — has a blue field. It features the white-edged red cross of Saint George superimposed on the diagonal red cross of Saint Patrick which is superimposed on the diagonal white cross of Saint Andrew.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Population: 67215293
Area: 242900 km2
Capital: London
Continents: Europe
Sub-region: Northern Europe
  • English
Landlocked: No
Border Countries: IRL
  • F: British
  • M: British
  • UTC-08:00
  • UTC-05:00
  • UTC-04:00
  • UTC-03:00
  • UTC-02:00
  • UTC
  • UTC+01:00
  • UTC+02:00
  • UTC+06:00
  • GBP
Phone Prefix: +4
United Nations Member: Yes
Independent: Yes
Top-level Domain: .uk

Coat of Arms

United Kingdom

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