The flag of Brazil has a green field with a large yellow rhombus in the center. Within the rhombus is a dark blue globe with twenty-seven small five-pointed white stars depicting a starry sky and a thin white convex horizontal band inscribed with the national motto 'Ordem e Progresso' across its center.

Federative Republic of Brazil

Population: 212559409
Area: 8515767 km2
Capital: Brasília
Continents: South America
Sub-region: South America
  • Portuguese
Landlocked: No
  • F: Brazilian
  • M: Brazilian
  • UTC-05:00
  • UTC-04:00
  • UTC-03:00
  • UTC-02:00
  • BRL
Phone Prefix: +5
United Nations Member: Yes
Independent: Yes
Top-level Domain: .br

Coat of Arms


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